Introducing Tasha Rhamy, new Successful Living board member!
We are very excited to welcome Tasha Rhamy to our board. She comes with great experience and enthusiasm. Here is a little more about her:
I live in North Liberty with my husband Tyler and our new addition to the family – a petite goldendoodle puppy named Nala. I grew up in small town in Southwest IA and went to college at the University of Iowa for my master’s in Accounting. After graduating, I started work at RSM (McGladrey) in Iowa City as a tax accountant, and have been working there for 4 years now. I was contacted by Luke Prottsman who reached out to me to see if I would be interested in being on the board. I was excited to receive the offer and felt that I could provide a different and useful prospective using my business/accounting background. Although I still have a lot to learn about SL, I think that the mission and focus of the organization is great and I recognize the many challenges the organization faces. I’m excited to join the board and looking forward to helping out in any way I can!
Welcome, Tasha!